Directors Message

Director's Desk
Competition has become an inseparable part of our lives and it is the fear of this competition that leaves us feeling unhappy, paranoid and worried. The fear of being put to test can be quite stressful for many people. This affects them adversely and they fail to perform to the best of their ability.
We at Solid School want to deter this fear by transforming this into a moving force.I believe education is not just about the subjects that are learnt and taught in school.As someone who has spent over half of his life as a student, I know and understand the importance of school.
At school, my confidence increased tenfold because I had access to classes, teachers, and administrators that supported and gave me a community of fellow artists to have as a support system.Becoming educated is not restricted to being in school and then in college, gathering certificates and feeling proud of oneself.
It is a lifelong exercise that can be unbelievably exciting if only we wish to jump onto the train of experience and take a trip to every conceivable place on the earth. School is the foremost fountain of knowledge children are exposed to. It gives a chance for them to acquire knowledge on various fields of education such as people, literature, history, mathematics, politics, and other numerous subjects.
Dr.Ram Varma